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in partnership with the Dill Faulkes Educational Trust



Semiconductors are an important part of CCD cameras (Charge-coupled Devices). They help to convert light into a current in the technology.

A dotted cube with a grey sphere at each corner. There is a smaller outline of a grey cube inside, tilted at an angle. Again, there are grey spheres at each corner, and some of these spheres connect to each other with grey lines. The result is a crystal structure.
This work by The Schools' Observatory is licensed under All rights reserved
3D silicon crystal; each atom is bound to 4 others.


Some particles can have a positive or negative charge.

For example, protons have a positive charge, and electrons have a negative charge.

They have electric fields around them. The stronger the charge, the bigger the electric field.

A small red circle is in the centre with a plus (+) symbol on it. Thin, straight, black lines leave the circle at different angles, stretching out to all edges of the image. These have arrowheads pointing away from the circle.
This work by Geek3 is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
The electric field around a positive charge (like a proton)